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Is your website responsive / mobile friendly?
Did you know that Google now scans your website to check if it is mobile friendly?
If your website is older than 1 -2 years “old”, pre 2014, it is highly likely that it is not mobile & tablet friendly.
99% of the websites we developed in 2014 are fully “responsive”, i.e. - Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile Friendly.
A “responsive” website is one website that “detects” what size screen it is being view on through a “viewport” check and automatically adjusts & scales itself to be best viewed on that size screen, whether it be the full desktop site on a PC, a tablet or a mobile smart phone
(portrait & landscape views)
So in effect, we develop websites for at least 5 different screen sizes.
Various website statistic tools like Google Analytics shows us that up to 30% of website traffic in South Africa is via mobile & tablet.
This percentage is already up to 40% in the USA and Europe, South Africa and Africa is sure to follow suite in due course.
If your website is not responsive you are losing potential business as people will naturally prefer to browse a mobile friendly website on their mobile phones than a non-mobile friendly website, i.e. - one that you need to zoom in and scroll around to read the text.
The not so good news is that if your website is older than 1 – 2 years “old”, it will have to be recoded on this new responsive framework. In most cases we can keep the same design, in other words, your website will look the same as before, but be fully responsive.
In other cases, your website might need a slight make over or a fresh new design.
Click here to drop us a message
or call us on
086 101 2210
to discuss your new responsive website design or website make-over.